Decoration ASCII Art Generator
Generate ASCII art with decorated text.
※ It has been adjusted so that it will not shift when displayed in a monospace font.
※ Note that there may be a shift when displaying in a proportional font.
border shape
_人人人人人_ > Sample < > Text <  ̄YYYYY ̄
36 characters
┌───┐ |Sample| < Text | └───┘
32 characters
+++++++ +┌───┐+ +|Sample|+ +|Text |+ +└───┘+ +++++++
52 characters
┏━━━┓ ┏━┫Sample┣━┓ ┃ ┃Text ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗┳━┳┛ ┃ ┗━━┛ ┗━━┛
52 characters
■□━━━━━□■ □■ Sample ■□ ■□ Text □■ □■━━━━━■□
44 characters
_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Sample _/ _/ Text _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/
54 characters
border simple
+───+ │Sample│ │Text │ +───+
28 characters
┿━━━┿ │Sample│ │Text │ ┿━━━┿
28 characters
┏━━━┓ ┃Sample┃ ┃Text ┃ ┗━━━┛
28 characters
┏………┓ ┃Sample┃ ┃Text ┃ ┗………┛
28 characters
┏───┓ │Sample│ │Text │ ┗───┛
28 characters
┌───┐ │Sample│ │Text │ └───┘
28 characters
・───・ │Sample│ │Text │ ・───・
28 characters
☆───☆ │Sample│ │Text │ ☆───☆
28 characters
◇───◇ Sample Text ◇───◇
25 characters
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