
  • 2024/03/23
    "All" has been added to "Fill spaces" in "Detail settings" of the tool "Braille ASCII Art Generator".
    White space becomes less noticeable.
  • 2023/10/01
    "Fill" has been added to "Effect" in "Text Settings" of the tool "Dummy Image Generator".
    You can make the text easier to read if it is difficult to read.
  • 2023/10/01
    The tool "Text Image Generator" is no longer available.
    If you have any inquiries, please contact us from here.
  • 2023/09/24
    Added "SNAKE_CASE" and "KEBAB-CASE" to "Destination" of the tool "Letter Case Style Converter".
    You can convert to uppercase SNAKE_CASE and KEBAB-CASE.
  • 2023/09/16
    Fixed conversion from "camelCase / PascalCase" to "snake_case" and "kebab-case" to be more natural
    in the "Letter Case Style Converter" tool. If you find any problems or bugs, please contact us.
  • 2023/08/22
    Added "Prevent garbled" to "Text" of the tool "Braille ASCII Art Generator".
    You can use emojis and characters from multiple languages at the same time.
  • 2023/08/21
    Added "Prevent garbled" to "Text" of the tool "Huge ASCII Art Generator".
    You can use emojis and characters from multiple languages at the same time.
  • 2023/08/01
    The tool "Clock Generator" is no longer available.
    If you have any inquiries, please contact us from here.
  • 2023/07/14
    Added "Weight" to the "Background character" and "Foreground character" of the tool "Huge ASCII Art Generator".
    You can change the number of characters used in "Background character" and "Foreground character".
  • 2023/06/27
    Added "Flash card" to the tool "Drill Generator".
    You can display flashcards.