Added "JSON5" to the tool "JSON Formatter".
You can format it into JSON5 format.
You can format it into JSON5 format.
Added "Border settings" to the tool "Dummy Image Generator".
You can display a border around the image.
You can display a border around the image.
Added "Contrast" to "Image" of the tool "Huge ASCII Art Generator".
You can adjust the contrast of the ASCII art.
You can adjust the contrast of the ASCII art.
Added "Contrast" to "Image" of the tool "Braille ASCII Art Generator".
You can adjust the contrast of the ASCII art.
You can adjust the contrast of the ASCII art.
"Color" has been added to "Render type" in "Image" of the tool "Huge ASCII Art Generator".
You can create a color huge ASCII art.
You can create a color huge ASCII art.
"All" has been added to "Fill spaces" in "Detail settings" of the tool "Braille ASCII Art Generator".
White space becomes less noticeable.
White space becomes less noticeable.
"Fill" has been added to "Effect" in "Text Settings" of the tool "Dummy Image Generator".
You can make the text easier to read if it is difficult to read.
You can make the text easier to read if it is difficult to read.
The tool "Text Image Generator" is no longer available.
If you have any inquiries, please contact us from here.
If you have any inquiries, please contact us from here.
Added "SNAKE_CASE" and "KEBAB-CASE" to "Destination" of the tool "Letter Case Style Converter".
You can convert to uppercase SNAKE_CASE and KEBAB-CASE.
You can convert to uppercase SNAKE_CASE and KEBAB-CASE.
Fixed conversion from "camelCase / PascalCase" to "snake_case" and "kebab-case" to be more natural
in the "Letter Case Style Converter" tool. If you find any problems or bugs, please contact us.
in the "Letter Case Style Converter" tool. If you find any problems or bugs, please contact us.