Name Generator

Randomly combine two words to create a new name.
Use it when you have trouble thinking of an account name or other name.

Left word Right word
Detail settings
Glue word
Main Text
Sub Text
  • Result
  • Stock


cupboard crested ibis
toaster oven driver
rocket launcher pillowcase
student unicycle
okuhashi miyatani
radio mars
basket sugar
stork train
kise lion
crystal sauce


Text specification

Enter the list of words you want to use, separated by newlines. Each line will be used as one word.

How to specify sub text ?

Sub text is the small English or Japanese hiragana characters that appear below the name you have created.

In the case of "Text" specification, each line of the text input is used as a word, but if you include "#" in one line, the content after that is used as sub text. For example, if you enter "Sample #サンプル", the words up to "Sample" are used as the main text, and "サンプル" is used as the sub text.

Related tools


  • 2024/05/06
    Added "Contrast" to "Image" of the tool "Huge ASCII Art Generator".
    You can adjust the contrast of the ASCII art.
  • 2024/05/04
    Added "Contrast" to "Image" of the tool "Braille ASCII Art Generator".
    You can adjust the contrast of the ASCII art.
  • 2024/05/02
    "Color" has been added to "Render type" in "Image" of the tool "Huge ASCII Art Generator".
    You can create a color huge ASCII art.
  • 2024/03/23
    "All" has been added to "Fill spaces" in "Detail settings" of the tool "Braille ASCII Art Generator".
    White space becomes less noticeable.
  • 2023/10/01
    "Fill" has been added to "Effect" in "Text Settings" of the tool "Dummy Image Generator".
    You can make the text easier to read if it is difficult to read.


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