Time Converter

Convert any time to a specific format and any time zone.
You can convert to the local time of major cities around the world.

Recommend World Clock
Source datetime
Set the current datetime
Timezone ID
Timezone search
Timezone ID (e.g. Asia/Tokyo)


Unix timestamp


Time difference

The time difference from "Asia/Tokyo" to "UTC" is -09:00.

Basic information

Asia/Tokyo UTC
JP Y/m/d H:i:s 2024/07/27 16:06:55 2024/07/27 07:06:55
Y/m/d(w) H:i:s 2024/07/27(土) 16:06:55 2024/07/27(土) 07:06:55
Y/m/d(w) H:i:s 2024/07/27(Sat) 16:06:55 2024/07/27(Sat) 07:06:55
YεΉ΄m月dζ—₯ H:i:s 2024εΉ΄07月27ζ—₯ 16:06:55 2024εΉ΄07月27ζ—₯ 07:06:55
YεΉ΄m月dζ—₯(w) H:i:s 2024εΉ΄07月27ζ—₯(土) 16:06:55 2024εΉ΄07月27ζ—₯(土) 07:06:55
Asia/Tokyo UTC
US m/d/Y H:i:s 07/27/2024 16:06:55 07/27/2024 07:06:55
w, m/d/Y H:i:s Saturday, 07/27/2024 16:06:55 Saturday, 07/27/2024 07:06:55
w, m d, Y H:i:s Saturday, Jul 27th, 2024 16:06:55 Saturday, Jul 27th, 2024 07:06:55
Asia/Tokyo UTC
UK d/m/Y H:i:s 27/07/2024 16:06:55 27/07/2024 07:06:55
w, d/m/Y H:i:s Saturday, 27/07/2024 16:06:55 Saturday, 27/07/2024 07:06:55
w, d m Y H:i:s Saturday, 27th Jul 2024 16:06:55 Saturday, 27th Jul 2024 07:06:55
Asia/Tokyo UTC
Standard ISO 8601 2024-07-27T16:06:55+09:00 2024-07-27T07:06:55+00:00
HTTP Cookies Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 16:06:55 JST Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 07:06:55 UTC
RSS Sat, 27 Jul 2024 16:06:55 +0900 Sat, 27 Jul 2024 07:06:55 +0000
Atom 2024-07-27T16:06:55+09:00 2024-07-27T07:06:55+00:00
W3C 2024-07-27T16:06:55+09:00 2024-07-27T07:06:55+00:00
RFC 822 Sat, 27 Jul 24 16:06:55 +0900 Sat, 27 Jul 24 07:06:55 +0000
RFC 850 Saturday, 27-Jul-24 16:06:55 JST Saturday, 27-Jul-24 07:06:55 UTC
RFC 1036 Sat, 27 Jul 24 16:06:55 +0900 Sat, 27 Jul 24 07:06:55 +0000
RFC 1123 Sat, 27 Jul 2024 16:06:55 +0900 Sat, 27 Jul 2024 07:06:55 +0000
RFC 2822 Sat, 27 Jul 2024 16:06:55 +0900 Sat, 27 Jul 2024 07:06:55 +0000
RFC 3399 2024-07-27T16:06:55+09:00 2024-07-27T07:06:55+00:00
RFC 7231 Sat, 27 Jul 2024 16:06:55 GMT Sat, 27 Jul 2024 07:06:55 GMT

Detail information

Asia/Tokyo UTC
Timezone Is it daylight saving time?
no no
Time difference from UTC +0900 +0000
Time difference from UTC
(colon separated)
+09:00 +00:00
Time zone abbreviation JST UTC
Time zone offset seconds
(West -43,200 ~ 50,400 East)
32,400 0
Asia/Tokyo UTC
Year Year (4 digits) 2024 2024
Year (2 digits) 24 24
Is it a leap year?
yes yes
Asia/Tokyo UTC
Month Month (1 - 12) 7 7
Month (English, full spelling) July July
Month (English, 3 letters) Jul Jul
Number of days in the month 31 days 31 days
Asia/Tokyo UTC
Day Day (1 - 31) 27 27
Day (English) 27th 27th
Day of the year (0 - 365) Day 208 Day 208
Asia/Tokyo UTC
Week Day of week
(English, full spelling)
Saturday Saturday
Day of week
(English, 3 letters)
Sat Sat
Day of week (Japanese) εœŸζ›œζ—₯ εœŸζ›œζ—₯
Week number of the year
starting on Monday
Week 30 Week 30
Asia/Tokyo UTC
Time Time (24 hours) 16:06:55 07:06:55
Time (12 hours) 04:06:55 07:06:55
AM or PM (English) pm am
AM or PM (Japanese) 午後 εˆε‰


Related tools


  • 2024/05/06
    Added "Contrast" to "Image" of the tool "Huge ASCII Art Generator".
    You can adjust the contrast of the ASCII art.
  • 2024/05/04
    Added "Contrast" to "Image" of the tool "Braille ASCII Art Generator".
    You can adjust the contrast of the ASCII art.
  • 2024/05/02
    "Color" has been added to "Render type" in "Image" of the tool "Huge ASCII Art Generator".
    You can create a color huge ASCII art.
  • 2024/03/23
    "All" has been added to "Fill spaces" in "Detail settings" of the tool "Braille ASCII Art Generator".
    White space becomes less noticeable.
  • 2023/10/01
    "Fill" has been added to "Effect" in "Text Settings" of the tool "Dummy Image Generator".
    You can make the text easier to read if it is difficult to read.


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